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East Cambs YAB

Who are we?

East Cambs YAB is very new and we are currently looking for young people who live or study in East Cambridgeshire to join us.

The YAB will meet regularly to discuss how we can support the issues raised by young people in East Cambs, these issues will be raised through an annual consultation that we carry out with young people aged 11 - 19 in all the schools in East Cambs.

The YAB will take action through campaigning, lobbying, advocacy, hosting events and commissioning services. The young people will work with adult professionals in your community to ensure that young people have a say in decisions that affect them.

Young Commissioners

Young commissioners are members of the Youth Action Boards who participate in shaping youth services and playing an active role in bringing communities together. The young commissioners will be representative of each district in Cambridgeshire, often with diverse and challenging backgrounds.

Young Commissioners will:

Our Priorities

We conducted a survey with young people attending the secondary schools in East Cambs just before the summer holidays started. The student survey focused on young people returning to school in September and how they felt about this. Future commissions will support young people as they return to school.

We Welcome New Members!

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